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Keratin Hair Loss

Keratin Hair Loss

  • The wave of Keratin Hair Treatments has swept the nation! Many people are running to their neighborhood hair salon to achieve flawless, smooth, manageable hair. The problem now is that some clients have experienced hair loss after multiple Brazilian Keratin Treatments. Hair is made up of Keratin, which is a protein. In order to maintain a healthy head of hair, while also straightening it, you need to ensure that there is a high enough level of keratin in your hair.
  • While Keratin Treatments are meant to maintain that healthy head of hair, just like most other things on earth? too much keratin can cause damage and or shedding of the hair. However, a few steps can be taken to help prevent any possible damage.
  1. About a week before you receive your Brazilian Keratin Treatment, use a deep oil treatment. Products such as these can be found at any retailer selling hair products. A deep oil treatment will help to keep your hair moisturized enough that the Keratin Treatment will not dry it out. Upon arrival at your salon, request a formaldehyde free formula.
  2. If the treatment does contain any formaldehyde, be sure that it is less than .2 percent.This is the safest suggested amount in any Keratin Treatment.
  3. The tools that are used in the process are also a factor as well.
  4. After applying the Brazilian Keratin Treatment, the product needs to be sealed into the hair.
  5. Be sure that the flat iron is kept at 450 degrees or higher. Although this is hotter than a standard flat iron, it is absolutely necessary to complete the process properly. Being that the iron needs to be so hot, it is also suggested that a quality flat iron containing titanium plates is used. These titanium plates are capable of withstanding the extreme heat that is needed for this process.